Specialist Treatment for Eating Disorders at The London Centre

Binge Eating Disorder

what is binge eating disorder?

Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder in which people feel compelled to binge eat on a regular basis. Bingeing refers to the consumption of a large number of calories over a relatively short period of time, during which people experience a sense of loss of control. For individuals with BED, binges will generally be linked to an emotional or psychological trigger, although this trigger is not always obvious. Because of this, binges can occur when a person is not hungry. Binges may be planned in advance and will often involve “special” binge foods or foods that are avoided in the person’s day to day diet.

Certain eating behaviours are likely to be present during a binge: eating rapidly; eating until you’re uncomfortably full; eating large amounts when you’re not hungry; or eating alone in order to hide the amount you are eating. This is typically followed by feelings of shame, disgust or guilt.

Individuals with BED do not attempt to get rid of the calories they consume during a binge (as in bulimia nervosa), meaning that BED is often, although not always, associated with obesity. Individuals who are overweight or obese may not realise that they are suffering from a psychological condition that is contributing to their weight difficulties.



treatment for BED

Effective treatment for binge eating disorder needs to target both the physiological and the emotional triggers for bingeing. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is known to be the most effective treatment for binge eating disorder so is most commonly recommended by our clinicians. For people who binge eat as a way of managing difficult emotions, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) may be recommended as an alternative.