Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia

signs and symptoms of bulimia

People with bulimia often go to great lengths to hide their behaviour from family and friends for a number of reasons, including feelings of shame or embarrassment, or putting others’ needs before their own. Because bulimia is not associated with low weight, it can often remain a secret for many years before people decide to seek help.

Signs that someone may have bulimia or another eating disorder include:

  • Restricting the amount of food that is eaten or strictly controlling what types of food are eaten

  • Eating more than is needed in one go/ feeling out of control when eating/ eating in secret

  • Using behaviours including vomiting, laxative use, exercise or fasting in order to reduce the impact of eating or bingeing on your weight

  • Extreme or constant body dissatisfaction and a desire to lose weight/ frequently weigh ins/ making comparisons with others

  • Eating when not hungry in response to difficult emotions

  • Feeling anxious about eating and situations which involve eating around other people

  • Feeling very tired or finding it hard to concentrate

  • Feeling depressed or anxious

  • Feeling distant from friends or family who are trying to help you

Often, people don’t recognise that their eating habits are a problem - they just feel like a part of everyday life. But if eating habits are affecting your life, it’s a problem, regardless of how much you weigh.

BNThe London Centre